Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Academic Team

Alex was asked by his Accelerated Studies teacher to be a part of the Academic Triathalon Team at school. This is a great opportunity for him to excel and learn more at school. They practice 2 days a week after school for 1 1/2 hours. Then, he will participate in 4 meets at other schools. I don't know a lot about it as this is new to us, but it sounds like there are several rounds to a meet. They have to answer questions, write essays and do what is called PARTY's. Don't ask me what it stands for as I can't remember, but it is a lot like putting in a short play.

This is very exciting as it is something new that Alex is getting in to. Hopefully he continues to have fun.

1 comment:

. said...

do something that is PARTY, why that just sounds like it's fun.........way to go Alex!!